Back2House Radio
Bringing House Music from Across the Decades
Back2House Radio brings the Finest in House Music from our DJs Broadcasting Live throughout the Week to special dedicated Guest Mixes. Covering all the varied styles of House Music, we bring you the Roots of House right through to Present day.
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Our Radio Story
Created in February of 2024 by Award Winning Underground DJ, Radio Presenter and Producer DJ MJ alongside her partner, seasoned Percussionist, musician and DJ Lee Heath , Back2house Radio was born off the Back of their popular Midlands House Music Events Brand – BACK2HOUSE EVENTS
A brand that holds regular House Music Boat Parties and Events in Venues and has amassed a huge following of not just Die Hard House Music Lovers but Die Hard Party goers, with its Mission to bring that much loved Vibe and atmosphere to the scene. A vibe that is as close to the old haydays of clubbing as we are ever going to get today !
With a family of loyal Partying supporters and Music Lovers attending the Back2House Events from across the UK and generations, Back2House Radio was created to bring that Music Family together, not just on the Dance floor, but across the Airwaves, to enjoy that same great Music throughout their day to day while expanding the Family, the connections and spreading the Vibe that B2H are so well known for.
Initially B2H Radio was created as a Channel on MIXLR to hold a few random Music shows by its creators DJ MJ and Lee ( Bongo ) Heath. The Channels popularity grew at a Massive speed in a very short space of time, with DJs from across the UK and Internationally joining to the Channel to host their own Radio Shows throughout the week.
Word quickly spread about the Channels creation as it began attracting a huge number of listens and followers. It very quickly became apparent that in such a short space of time, the Station needed to level up. The Brand, the DJs, the loyal listeners that tuned in everyday and the hard work that had gone into the creation of all of this, deserved more ! It had evolved into something special and developed its own life, it had to be made into a bigger and better platform to make it the best it could be.
Back2House Radio deserved its own personal Home, and professional Platform, a dedicated space to really unite everyone together for the Love of House Music under one roof.
It is now that the Official and permanent residency of BACK2HOUSE RADIO is born, which is where you find us presently.
Our Motto and tagline is ‘ HOUSE ACROSS THE DECADES ‘ and we bring EXACTLY that !
Every DJ on B2H Radio brings their own Unique House Music Vibe to the airwaves of the Station around the world.
Whether you are a lover of Club Classics or Soulful House, Disco House to Funky House, Deep Rolling House to Big Vocals and Uplifting sounds, Afro House to Gospel House, GarageHouse to Piano and Bass, Tech House to Upfront and Driving beats, BACK2HOUSE RADIO and the Family of B2H Radio DJs have got you covered. Wherever you are and however you choose to listen, B2H Radio can be enjoyed anytime via the Website, Android and Apple store Apps ( Free Download ), Listening via your Smart Speaker ( Ask your Smart Speaker to ” Play Back2House Radio ” as well as streaming via Tunein and Radio Garden.
Our Events Story
As is usually inevitable ( but not always), being a DJ and / or Performer within the Music world, there comes a point in your Music life, when you make the shift from purely being booked to play at other promoters Events, to creating, promoting and organising your own events. Some people go it alone, some people form a Crew or Syndicate and some people partner up with like minded souls, be it Friends, Family or Partners.
Back2House Radio Bosses MJ and Lee being Ravers from Old, heavily involved in Music through various avenues, 25 Years of Raving and still going strong ( although the recovery period is not as easy as they remember it being) had both previously created their own separate Music Events Brands with great Success….so it was inevitable that at some point…this was going to happen again BUT this time as a Collaboration!
The aim?…….to create Parties that bring House Music to the local Clubbers, from its Roots back in the day to present Day sounds. They didnt want it to be for those who just like 80s or just like 90s or those who dont want to listen to anything outside of the usual Club Classics, these events were to be for those who Love the sound, are Open Minded and even though they may not know the Tracks being played at times, it doesnt matter…because its about THE VIBE !
How the conversation came up they have no idea, but, when discussing the idea of building a House Music Events Brand (or certainly start off by holding the odd event here and there) they realised that they had a massively Unique opportunity sitting right in front of them (literally) that was too good to ignore and not take full opportunity of. They had the chance to have their House Music Events on board a Canal Narrow Boat….. I mean, how cool is that !? Being able to cruise along their beautiful local Canal System, experiencing actually being onboard a Narrow Boat, going up and down Locks and through Tunnels, seeing wildlife that you may not see anywhere else and all of this teamed up with a Party atmosphere, with a Bar, PA System and Top Shelf DJs providing some of The Best House Music from Across The Decades. PERFECTION !
They put the idea out there to their fellow clubbers and friends and the response was great, with Tickets to get on Board their B2H Boat Parties selling out way ahead of schedule.
Fast forward 4 brilliant Boat Parties later and the idea was put to them by friends to think about also bringing the Back2House Brand onto land into a venue. NOW the challenge was going to get harder. Could they do this? Getting 45 / 50 ravers on a Boat is A LOT different ( and less stressful) to having to fill a Venue. They realised that between them all they knew hundreds of people who would come and support the nights. Those who they have known for 20+ years who are still heavily into clubbing and Music and know, that whatever they do…they mean business! The Venue suggested to them by the way was no small bar…oh no…450 capacity no less !! Yep !!!!!!! So, after a bit of umming and aarring and shall we sharnt we, they went for it!
They set about putting the word out to all of their friends, friends of friends, their friends, Family, Music colleagues, people they had raved with years before and regular going out Party people, telling them about B2H moving from Water to Land.
Over 250 people attending their events and word spreading to not just the Local area, but now, Clubbers coming from all corners of the UK to join what has now become a B2H FAMILY VIBE ! Their aim is also to support Local DJs but most importantly, have DJs that can bring THAT VIBE! After all, a DJs set can make or break your night and in some circumstances, totally ruin the hard work you have gone through to build up your good reputation.
Their People, Their Crew, come from all walks of life, ages and backgrounds, coming together for THE VIBE, THE MUSIC, THE LOVE OF HOUSE ! and THAT is what Back2House is ALL ABOUT.